
所有烤鸭们肯定都知道,雅思口语Part 2的原则就是“以不变应万变”,那么今天在这里抛砖引玉一下,希望可以让各路烤鸭们脑洞大开,成功告别雅思!

首先,提供一段素材,这个不是完整的Part 2答案,也不对应具体的题目,只不过通过拆分整合以及各种添油加醋,可以对应到N多个题目中去。请看:

Last summer vacation, my family took a trip to XXX (the Maldives, Bali… 注意,如果说大连或者三亚滴话,要跟考官介绍一下,比如which is a famous coastal city in China, 因为它们可能没有马尔代夫有名气,孤落寡闻的考官万一没听过就不太好了…), which became the best travel experience I’ve ever had.

As someone who lives quite far from the coast, I don’t really get that much of a chance to visit a place like that. And the breathtakingly/incredibly gorgeous views really blew my mind.

The sun was shining out of an azure/'?/ sky and the boundless ocean was crystal clear. I could feel the summer breeze blow through my hair. Ah! It was so awesome! The beach was packed/thick with sunbathers and volleyball players. There were children playing Frisbee and making sand castles. I’m a little allergic to the ultraviolet, so I just simply hid under a huge beach umbrella on a deck chair and enjoyed the sound of the waves, and I have to say, as you can imagine, those hot girls and muscular guys in colorful bathing suits are really a feast for the eye.

The seafood there was out of this world! The lobsters, crabs, shrimps and everything! Just the thought of it can make my mouth water!

What we had was a package tour, and we were supposed to stay in a beach house, but my sister and I thought I would be so boring, so we put up a tent on the beach, pretending that we were going camping. There was no light pollution in that area so we could see the stars clearly. And the most exciting thing was we were so lucky that we even saw a falling star! And it was my first time to make a wish on a shooting star.


1. 首先看完美匹配的题目:

A long journey/short trip you’d like to try again.

A special journey/trip you would like to take in the future.

A place you have been to that is colorful.

A park/garden you visited and liked/that impressed you.

An experience when you got lost.


2. 下面的两个话题,不是100%匹配,也能达到90%了:

A picture or photograph in your family.

A happy family event in your childhood that you remember well.

这两个就写小时候的summer vacation吧,然后在最impressive的一个环节



3. 下面这两个,需要联想一下:

A change that will improve your local area.

A piece of good news you heard from TV or the Internet.

如果你的家乡靠近水,那就太好了!就说你从新闻上听说,当地政府要兴建海滨or江滨公园,各种设施,各种玩乐,然后上面的场景都可以变成你YY出来的了!搞定对不对!这样除了可以给市民增加娱乐休闲场所,还可以促进当地旅游业,有助于经济发展,Blah blah blah…

4. 接下来的这两个物品类话题呢,貌似跟沙滩没什么关系,不过就看怎么说喽:

Describe something you really want to buy in the future.

Describe a vehicle you would like to buy in the future.

嗯,想象一下,如何能成天享受上面的美好生活呢?买一个beach house喽!于是,上面的内容继续变成你的YY画面。后面的vehicle,其实可以写RV,开着房车自驾游,可以go on road trips,可以go camping,或者就说曾经跟着朋友开的房车有了上面的体验,于是你也梦想着有朝一日买一辆自己的房车,别忘了写一下房车里面的设备,房车的便利和优点,done!

5. 最后一个,其实上面的素材用到的不会太多,但是可以做为背景引入话题:

Describe an exciting sport you know.

这个可以写海上运动哦!不知道大家有没有看过一个reality show叫做《花儿与少年》,里面在迪拜就有一项水上运动,叫做fly board,特别像铁臂阿童木,只不过脚底下喷的是水不是火。在介绍怎么知道这个运动的时候,就可以说那次旅游,最让我回味的不是美味海鲜,阳光海滩,美女帅哥,而是那个sport!这样是不是就都接上啦,当然,可以选择的海边运动还有很多,比如scuba diving,surfing之类的,就看大家对哪种运动感兴趣了。

其实part 2的题目分类,全凭个人喜好,无对错优劣之分。就像最开始说的,这里仅作为抛砖引玉,希望可以对大家的备考有所启发和帮助。